De'bLogS of Jenny Irna..

Not Like the Other.. Jenny is Jenny.. Do What You Want To do, Let God Do the Rest.. Because Him, I Can Stand Up

Most people in Indonesia take tempe as a main course in every meal. Tempe is one of original foods from Indonesia. Although tempe is a tradisional food, everybody from all stages like eating tempe. Usually tempe is eaten as an additional food with meats, fishes, and vegetables. Tempe is being important because it has many proteins that benefit to our body. Actually making tempe is very easy, because it just need simple ingredients and easy to cooking. The main substance of tempe is the soybean. To make tempe, we must prepare all the ingredients first, such as soybeans, yeasts, and leaves of banana or plastics. Besides the ingredients, we must prepare the equipment too, such as the stove, kitchen set, and a set of bowls. First of all, we must choose good soybeans, and throw away the decayed soybeans. Then, saturate the soybeans with water for one day. The next day, throw away the water and cleanse the soybeans. After that, boil the soybeans for about one hour depending on the amount of soybeans and wait until tomorrow. The next morning, wash off the soybeans with flowing water. After washing the soybeans, remove the peel of the soybeans carefully and boil again the soybeans with water for 45-60 minutes. When they are boiled, do the fermentation by giving enough yeasts and wait for one day. Next, package the soybeans with plastics or banana leaves and hollow that for air circulation. The last process is waiting and drying the soybeans in the sun to do the process of fermentation for about 24 hours or until the fermentation is finished. After that, we can immediately cook tempe appropriate to our taste. From the processes we can see that making tempe is very easy so that we can do it by self in our home.

Playing online game is allowed to everyone because it can refresh our mood and our feeling. Beside that, playing online game can make a player cleverer because it needs more concentrate to arrange the strategy. Nowadays, online game is so popular that most people especially children and adults play it likely. Online game becomes so popular because of the appearance, the type, and the attraction of the games. Conversely, there are many negative impacts of playing online game. People who played the game wouldn’t control their self. When a player was playing the game, she or he will forget time. They wouldn’t have a meal because they didn’t feel hungry. They also forget their planning that they must do. It can be happened because they must concentrate to their game. Playing online game makes a player is lazy do anything, because they don’t want to stop the game immediately. If they are starting the game, they will want to play it more and more again. That's why the player of online game is being addicted. The last negative effect is after playing game, the player will be tired and sleepy if they have to study again. From all the negative sides of the online game, we should have limited our activities to playing game so we can do all task on time.

At school or campus, a student who gets the best score in academic or subjects will be called smart student. For example, student gets 10 points and rank in the class will be recognized as a smart student. However, there is similar word with smart but has different meaning such as genius. Genius is an expression or honors for someone who has higher intelligence and many achievements in academic or non-academic. Genius is definitely same with smart but smart isn’t always being genius. Someone with higher intelligence means that he has a good score in academic and he can improve his knowledge to be a new creation or new product in our life. For example someone can build robot or other new machine that very useful in our life. Genius is also dedicated for people or students who get many achievements in everything. For instance, student followed the olimpiade or scientific contest in national or international level. The achievements are not only in academic but also in non-academic such as sport, art, speech-contest, and etc. Like a student who can get a gold in athletic competition with other countries. The criteria of genius are someone who can manage his time and do the right things, sociable with everybody, and then give the best for anything he does. Actually, genius student not always study hard but they can understand anything easily and learn from the mistake he made. For all explanation, genius is given for someone who has not only a good academic score and educational background but also another skill that nobody can’t.

Smoking is being necessary to everyone. Most people especially man or boys really like to do this activity anytime. Is it dangerous or not? Actually, we have already known about the impacts of smoking. I’m sure smoker does too. However, most people don’t aware about it. The phenomena is many people still smoking in public areas such as in bus, station bus, hospital, waiting room, and etc. I’m sure that everybody knows smoking have bad impact for our health. Moreover, it has been written in the pack of cigarette but there is no awareness. The kinds of sickness which can be affected from smoking are heart attack, cancer, impotent, TBC, and etc. It is suffered not only active smoker but also passive smoker. Passive smoker can be suffered if they breathed the smoke. That’s why smoking in public areas can disturb passive smoker to breath smoke. For example, if we were waiting bus in the station bus, someone smoked immediately and passive smoker forced to breathe smoke. The government should give attention to this problem. We have already heard the issue about the regulation of prohibition smoking in public areas. But, it is not legalized and socialized yet. However, smokers said that they can’t control their self to smoke. Smoking makes them relax, enjoy, and give inspiration. Actually, this contrast is weak because it is depend from our intention. If smokers have willing to stop, there will be a chance to stop smoking. Sometimes, smoker said that there is no prohibition to make me not smoking. I think the law or regulation should be legalized and socialized it to all people so there is no reason to repudiate smoking. The government should aware to this problem and make a policy to solve it.

makin hari semuanya makin aneh.. gw ga tau siapa yang salah atau mungkin gw yang salah.. kenapa sih semuanya berubah makin ga jelazz.. gw ga da maksud buat hasilnya yang seprti ini.. gw benci keadaan yang kayak gini... rumit,, complicated,, ga jelas,, semuanya ga penting!!!!!!!!!!

gw kangen banget masa2 smp dan sma.. saat-saat pelayanan menurut gw itu waktu terindah.. serasa Tuhan selalu deket gw..

Sekarang,, gw dah ga pernah ikut pelayanan d gereja,, pengen banget ikutttt.... tapi apa daya.. pelayanan sih mank ga harus hanya di gereja,, tapi banyak hal yang bisa gw pelajari dan gw dapet saat itu,, But God,, dont ever let me alone..

Kenapa sih baik sma orang udah di anggepnya gw kenapa2.. padahal gw ga da maksud sama sekali.. eh malah di anggep mempermainkan orang,, sial,... tahu gini mah dari awal ja gw ga bantu,, gw diemin ja sekalian.. paling malez deh gw kalu dikatain sesuatu padahal itu ga bener.. maksud hati ikhlas tapi jadinya gini.. what shouls i do know??


what is your mind if you hear commitment??
It's sounds hard i think..

actually, we like to make commitment in our life but we so easily didn't do our commitment,,

i have a commitment that i've been not yet to finished it..
Come On Jen.. Do That and You'll get the Grace..

Bapa,, remains me to do my commitment as soon as possible and do that with prayer Amen...

God,, thanks very much i've been finish my exam..

Actually, i dont know Dad, This term i can't answer all d' question clearly.
I forget all subject that i've read before..
I go to sleeep early,, i've a headache when i was writing the answer..

Dad,, maybe i've many fault to You, and i didn't do my commitment that i said..
Forgive Me God,, My Dad please don't go from Me.. I need You My Lord...

Ku pandang wajahMu dan Berseru
Pertolonganku datang dari Mu
PegangLah tanganku
Jangan Lepaskan
KauLah Harapan dalam hidupku..

aku mencoba meresapi
kalender yang terus berganti
hari dan tahun yang berlari
dengan sgala tawa dan tangis

namun di hati serta ingatan ini
ada banyak cerita tentang cinta-Mu
bahwa aku selalu menemukan kasih
juga setia yang tak menyerah untukku

setahun yang baru terbuka kini
untuk kumasuki dengan hati yakin
bahwa segala hal pasti terhadapi
ketika Engkau sungguh raja di Hati

bila kau bolehkan aku
memasuki tahun ini
ajarku mengenal maunya hatiMu
dan biarlah dalam masa hidupku
muncul hari-hari emasMu
yakni ketika waktu dan dayaku
bertemu dengan kemuliaanMu
hingga yang lemah padaku
menjadi kuat karenaMu
dan yang sedikit padaku
menjadi berlimpah bagi MuliaMu

Bapa, terima kasih...
Engkau telah memberiku peristiwa kecil dan besar
Pelajaran mudah dan sulit
yang membuatku melihat
Engkau sungguh sumber hidupku

Jangan berhenti menemaniku
Sbab tak ada yang sekuasa Engkau
untuk menolongku berjalan
Seperti Bapa dan Anak yang tak henti bergandengan tangan
hingga ke ujung jalan..

God Bless You ^_^

Liburan semester ini keseringan di rumah..

tapi tiap malem selalu keluar,, da sesuatu yang buat gw senenk dan sedih selama liburan ini..

i'm sorry Lord,, jikaa sampai saat ini masih belum bisa melaksanakan komitmen yang pernah gw janjiin... how stupi i am...

God,, tenkyu liburan ini bisa buat jenny senenk,,
buat temen2 yang buat acara.. buat waktu yaang ada..

semoga gw bisa balik ke kampus dengan semangat..
meskipun ada 1 hal yang mengganjal di hati ini,, tapi semoga itu ga bdampak buat ku di STSN..

Bless me God..

Thanks Lord

surabaya - jogjakarta..

Huuuuhhhhh... hev Fun banget widya Karya..

dari kunjungan ke AAL.. PEMPROV,, museum Tugu dan 10 november,,

trus berlanjut ke jogja.. kita ke MIPA UGM,, kaliurang,, n shopping di malioboro..

seneng deh meskipun cuma sebentar tapi berkesan banget.. banyak hal yang bisa gw dapet,, dari table manner di AAL,, sejarah Indonesia di museum tugu dan museum sandi,, mpe belajar bahasa jawa buat nawar belanjaan..
hahaha... perjalanan yang cukup panjang karna setiap 10 menit kita berhenti karna mobilnya mogok... sampe di surabaya membutuhkan waktu 32 jammm... keren kannn???

banyak banget sebenarnya yang bisa gw ceritain.. pokoknya widya karya unforgetable..

jenny sayang STSN6

ga disangka ternyata julukan gw udah banyak juga..
sepertinya dari ujung rambut mpe ujung kaki ada julukannya..
ga tau kenapa temen2 selalu nge-cengin mungkin mereka sayang kali yah ma jenny..(huekkk) hehehe..mau tau lebih jelas coba ya...
1. jen'dutch ( yah.. mang gw gendut c.. tapi tetep imut ko huahaha)
2. jenny d' ripper ( nih nak XII ipa 1 ga tau knapa??)
3. je'bir ( jenny bergelambir nih kata temen2 di STSN)
4. je'vo
5. je'xsive
6. je'wer
7. jenny c leher pendek
8. jenny c jari jahe
9. j'Lo ( jidat lohan )

sebenarnya masih banyak lagi tapi jenny lupa tapi tar kalu jny inget,, jenny tulis lagi deh...

oh ya,, kalo mau nambahin ga papa... asal objektif yah...


setelah email gw di-hack oleh seseorang yang gw gak kenal,, akhirnya gw ga bisa buka Friendster,, Facebook,, yahoo,, semua blog yang pernah gw buat...

Siapapun orang tuh gw udah ga perduli.. mungkin ini memang perlu pengamanan yang lebih untuk internet..

Sekarang gw mau fokus aja di Blog..
buat semua.. isi blog gw yah....

AbouT Me

Foto saya
I'm that star up in the sky I'm that mountain peek up high I'm the worlds greatest.. I’m everything I am..

The Timeee...

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